Searching for tag: copyright
The EU adopted new copyright rules
On 15 April 2019 the Council of the European Union approved the controversial Copyright Directive. According to the official statement, the adopted "copyright rules fit for the digital age. Europe will now have clear rules that guarantee fair remuneration for creators, strong rights for users and responsibility for platforms."
The Member States will have two years to implement the Directive into their national legislation. Be on the clock!
Copyright and NFTs: friends or foes?
Here is another professional opinion on the interrelation between NFTs and copyright.
Copyright might be for Losers; though Trademarks are for Sellers.
Artistic creation is usually considered to be protected by copyright, but what are the other protection mechanisms? Do they really serve the need? Our permanent author Maria Boicova-Wynants is looking for an answer on the example of Banksy's experience
Ink and copyright: tattoos as an object of copyright protection
The article discusses who is the copyright holder of the tattoo and what are the rights of the artist, tattoo bearer and the third parties (photographers, game creators, marketing specialists, etc.) in using the copyrighted image.
IP Lawyer: New Copyright Directive to end "Link Tax" debates
This is an overview of the proposed Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market by the practicing IP lawyer.
Protection of the artist's style: Comparative law
Copyright protects artistic creations, but what about artist's style? Our returning author - Andrea Quintanilla - provides comparative overview of respective regulation in Europe, the USA and the Andean Community
The works, which copyrights have expired
Copyright is the right of limited duration. This seems to mean that after a certain period of time the author's work can be freely used in any way by any person. Whether this statement is absolutely true or there still are some restrictions? What are the national and international rules? Whether and to what extent the work inspired by the protected author's work is eligible for protection? Here is the overview of these and related questions*
Use of works made to be located permanently in public places
Selfies have become an integral part of our lives. We want to fix the moment and ourselves in it. However, it should be taken into account that there are restrictions for dissemination of selfies, even if we have made a photo in a public place, on a street, in a museum or in a park. What should we do if there is a copyrighted work on our photo - a monument, building or a painting? Are we allowed to download it to our personal Facebook album? Here are the answers by the Turība University professor, Dr.iur. Ingrīda Veikša