What is it about?

ArtLaw.club is a place or, more precisely - a space, where we meet and discuss:
- cultural heritage, its protection and preservation from the perspective of hard and soft law;
- art and artistic creation in all its forms;
- art management, turnover and legal constituent thereof;
- artworks as investment objects, their performance and risks associated with them;
- new technologies helping us to create, supervise, deal, protect and enjoy the world of art.
We strain to reach the most satisfying proportion, the “Golden Section”, for cultural heritage and art law in the Baltics, Scandinavia and abroad.
Why do we make it a priority? Society considers these legal issues to be too subject-specific, available for priviledged only, undeserving attention of the society as a whole. However, to different extents they appeal to each of us. What we are currently witnessing is an illicit outflow of archaeological artefacts, moral depreciating of our local cultural heritage, complexities in artwork insurance and attribution, and at the same time growing amount of auctions and travelling displays, tendency to diversify assets and use alternative investment opportunities, etc. Each of these unrelated processes creates the demand for respective level of competence of the officials in the law enforcement sector, market and museum practitioners, lawyers and all others involved in the world of cultural property.
To achieve this we debate, enrich ourselves with new knowledge and skills, share our expertise, discuss challenging issues, create network of contacts and fellow-thinkers beyond borders.
This makes us happy!
And even more! We are working on raising social awareness in the most topical matters of cultural heritage and art law in the Baltic and Scandinavian region. As the last researches show, experiencing meaningfulness is more healthy than just being happy. As Carl Jung put it , “the least of things with a meaning is worth more in life than the greatest of things without it.” Here we are trying to create a little thing with a big deal of sence!
Offline we are delinked, in ArtLaw.club we are together!
We are open to all the art and cultural heritage admirers of professional or private interest, as are our events.