Pirms 28 gadiem, 1991.gada 14.oktobrī, Latvija pievienojās Apvienoto Nāciju Izglītības, Zinātnes un Kultūras organizācijai. Kā uzsver UNESCO Latvijas Nacionālās komisijas ģenerālsekretāre Baiba Moļņika "šis datums bija kā ierosme iedibināt ikgadēju tradīciju – UNESCO nedēļu, kuras laikā aicinām sabiedrību līdzdarboties un kopīgi izcelt UNESCO idejas un vērtības” (http://unesco.lv/lv/zinatne/sonedel-aicina-meklet-stastus-par-latvijas-zinatniecem-un-zinatnieku-dinastijam/ ).
UNESCO nedēļa notiek katrā pirmajā vai otrajā oktobra nedēļā kopš 2011.gada. Šogad tā ir vēltīta sievietēm zinātnē un zinātniskajām dinastijām un saucas "Spožie prāti: sievietes zinātnē”. Iepazīties ar UNESCO nedēļas programmu ir iespējams šeit: http://unesco.lv/lv/zinatne/sonedel-aicina-meklet-stastus-par-latvijas-zinatniecem-un-zinatnieku-dinastijam/
Ar prieku atgādinām, ka ArtLaw.club darbību atbalsta UNESCO Latvijas Nacionālā Komisija.
The most reputable and trustworthy recovery experts available today. THE HACK ANGELS RECOVERY EXPERT. They can help you retrieve your stolen crypto funds. They have technical expertise resources to track down and recover lost crypto. I had lost £973,000 to fraud and at first I thought it was gone for good. I went online to search for recovery, I saw numerous testimonies regarding THE HACK ANGELS RECOVERY EXPERT and how they had assisted other people in getting their money back. I didn’t hesitate to contact them, in just a few days the experts returned all my money. They said that they did an investigation and returned my money immediately. They can never ask you for any upfront payment. They can help you track your funds. They are cyber security experts doing great jobs out there. Be wise and do your research to avoid being scammed again. For anyone in a similar situation seeking to recover funds lost to online scams, contact THE HACK ANGELS RECOVERY EXPERT through
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The most reputable and trustworthy recovery experts available today. THE HACK ANGELS RECOVERY EXPERT. They can help you retrieve your stolen crypto funds. They have technical expertise resources to track down and recover lost crypto. I had lost £973,000 to fraud and at first I thought it was gone for good. I went online to search for recovery, I saw numerous testimonies regarding THE HACK ANGELS RECOVERY EXPERT and how they had assisted other people in getting their money back. I didn’t hesitate to contact them, in just a few days the experts returned all my money. They said that they did an investigation and returned my money immediately. They can never ask you for any upfront payment. They can help you track your funds. They are cyber security experts doing great jobs out there. Be wise and do your research to avoid being scammed again. For anyone in a similar situation seeking to recover funds lost to online scams, contact THE HACK ANGELS RECOVERY EXPERT through
WhatsApp +1(520)200-2320)
([email protected]) They also have a great website at (www.thehackangels.com)