
Anželika Semmelbauere (Angelica Semmelbauer) ir pieredzējusi mākslas dīlere un privātas mākslas konsultāciju sabiedrības Ellipsis Art ( dibinātāja, kas veiksmīgi pārstāv māksliniekus un paralēli konsultē klientus. Šajā sarunā mēs runājam par to, kā mākslinieki tiek galā ar vīrusa izraisīto situāciju, kā piesaistīt mākslas dīlera profesionālu uzmanību, kā mākslas pārdevēji un konsultanti pielagojas jauniem dzīves apstākļiem un kā mēs, mākslas cienītāji, varam atbalstīt jomu šajā neparastajā laikā.

Video saruna ir pieejama šeit (angļu valodā):

Komentāri: 2
Rita C. Taylor
Jul 20, 2024 16:13

I'm forever grateful to Jetwebhackers for their remarkable assistance in recovering the $38,540 I had lost to a crypto scam. This amount was meant to cover my husband's urgent hospital bills, and I was deceived by a fraudster posing as Agent David, who promised me a return of $380,940 - but it was all a scam. Thanks to Jetwebhackers' expertise and dedication, I was able to recover not only the initial investment but also the profit I was promised. Their help has been a blessing to my family, and we can now focus on my husband's recovery without financial stress. I highly recommend Jetwebhackers to anyone who has fallen victim to crypto scams. They are professional, efficient, and compassionate. Thank you, Jetwebhackers, for your exceptional service and support during a difficult time!"CONTACT THEM VIA

EMAIL:jetwebhackers @ gmail .com

TELEGRAM: @jetwebhackers
jeff barron
Jun 18, 2024 09:16
Investment is one of the best ways to achieve financial freedom. For a beginner there are so many challenges you face. It's hard to know how to get started. Trading on the Cryptocurrency market has really been a life changer for me. I almost gave up on crypto at some point not until saw a recommendation on Elon musk successfully success story and I got a proficient trader/broker Mr Bernie Doran , he gave me all the information required to succeed in trading. I made more profit than I could ever imagine. I'm not here to converse much but to share my testimony; I have made total returns of $20,500.00 from an investment of just $2000.00 within 1 week. Thanks to Mr Bernie I'm really grateful,I have been able to make a great returns trading with his signals and strategies .I urge anyone interested in INVESTMENT to take bold step in investing in the Cryptocurrency Market, he can also help you recover your lost funds, you can reach him on WhatsApp : +1(424) 285-0682 , Telegram : IEBINARYFX or his Gmail : [email protected] tell him I referred you
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